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STB | - Frisian translation of the Hobbit released

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Quarta, 16 Setembro 2009 18:00

Frisian translation of the Hobbit released

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Today is a happy day, because The Hobbit has finally arrived in Frisian. I'm certain many Hobbit collectors will be very excited, but the Frisians will be even more so! Now the adventurous travel of the hobbit Bilbo Baggins can be followed in the Frisian language.

Anne Tjerk Popkema (Burgum, 1975) has released the translation of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien in Frisian.

It was published by the Frisian Uitgeverij Elikser.

Firstly published in 1937, it has already been translated into over fifty languages.

In the translation Bilbo Baggins is called Bilbo Balsma, but the characters Gollum and Gandalf have, however, kept their names.

It is nice to see the Frisian translation has been released, since I knew about the translation project for a very long time. It was my pleasure to put the people supporting the project into contact with the translation rights office at HarperCollins - like Gandalf pushing Bilbo through the door. Now I can only congratulate all the folks who kept on promoting and believing in getting the Frisian translation released and say a big thank you to the translator, Anne Tjerk Popkema!

By the way if people want to order this book; sent over an email and if I have gathered enough interested Hobbit collectors I'll try and do one bulk purchase and sent them out all over the planet!

Title:De Hobbit Dêrhinne en wer weromType: paperbackPublisher: Uitgeverij ElikserTranslator: Anne Tjerk Popkema (see picture to the right)Publication date: August 2009

Language: FrisianISBN-10: 90-8954-112-8ISBN-13: 978-90-8954-112-3


The Frisians are an ethnic group of Germanic people living in coastal parts of The Netherlands and Germany. In total there are 643,000 inhabitants (2005) and they are concentrated in the Dutch provinces of Friesland and Groningen and, in Germany, East Frisia and North Frisia. They inhabit an area known as Frisia. They have a reputation for being tall, big-boned and light-haired people and they have a rich history and folklore. I'm certain these people will love to read the Hobbit in Frisian to there kids!

Elikser Publishers

Publisher Elikser LTD is lead by Jitske Kingma, and was set up in the summer of 2007, started business the same autumn and is located in Leeuwarden, the capital of Frisia.

Publishers description of the book in Frisian

It tiidleaze mearke fan Bilbo Balsma, in fatsoenlike hobbit dy't ynbrekker wurdt en yn sân hasten mei trettjin dwergen en de tsjoender Gandalf op paad moat om in legindaryske dwergeskat ûnder de wjukken fan in grimmitige draak wei te stellen. Under de lange reis nei de Berch fan de Draak komt it selskip troch bergen en bosken, oer richels en rivieren. Hja befjochtsje trollen, ierdmannen, spinnen en wolven yn 'e mande mei elven, minsken, earnen en bearen. En fansels mei help fan de magyske Ring, dêr't Bilbo mei de lilkaardige Gollum in fûle striid om útfjochtet.

Dit klassike 'berneboek foar folwoeksenen' fan J.R.R. Tolkien is de prolooch op The Lord of the Rings, de ferneamde trilogy dy't de ôfrûne jierren sa bot yn de belangstelling stien hat. De Hobbit, skreaun yn 1937, wie it earste wiere fantasy-boek dat it grutte publyk berikke koe. It is yn 2002 ferkeazen ta it wichtichste boek foar (âldere) jongerein yn de 20e ieu, en is oant no ta yn sa likernôch fyftich talen oerset.

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