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STB | - MTV wants your Lord of the Rings Dream

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Domingo, 12 Dezembro 2010 20:00

MTV wants your Lord of the Rings Dream

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Tiannah wrote that they are developing a show for MTV.

The programme is all about granting people’s most bizarre, extreme and ludicrous wishes. MTV want to try and grant those wishes and they are currently looking for people to take part in the programme.

They are particularly keen to find a Lord of the Rings related wish. As such MTV asked to post the following flyer (see below).

Please also feel free to forward the info on to any Tolkien friends or family who might be interested! And who knows your Lord of the Rings dream comes true!

I myself could come up with some dreams of myself... let me see. My ultimate dream would probably spent an evening with Christopher Tolkien, or fly over to New Zealand to have a nice day with Peter Jackson, or fly over to America to go meet Wayne Hammond and Christina Scull or visit Marquette, or... oh well I don't think this is the stuff MTV is looking for. So I'm probably not much of a contestant! So grab your pens and laptops and write to MTV! All info below!


Have you or has someone you know, got any extreme, bizarre and downright ludicrous Lord of the Rings wish?Dreams you want to fulfil, but have never had the guts or the means to do it?

Now’s your chance...LET MTV MAKE THAT DREAM COME TRUE!Want to turn your house into fangorn forest? Want to climb mount everest in a Elven suite? Want to turn your whole town into goblins and dragons? Want to walk Middle-earth and drop the ring in Mount Doom yourself? Fight orcs at the gates of Minas Tirith?

WELL THAT COULD BE A LOTR DREAM THAT COMES TRUE!MTV is developing a new series to help you to realise your dreams. Just so long as they are crazy enough (and legal) we’ll do our best to make them happen.

THINK BIG, be really creative, and contact the team now to make your dreams a reality.

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Please include full details of your wish and a contact phone number

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