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STB | - French site Tolkiendrim reveals new Hobbit still of Gandalf and Bard and teases set reports

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Sexta, 31 Outubro 2014 04:58

French site Tolkiendrim reveals new Hobbit still of Gandalf and Bard and teases set reports

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October 31, 2014 at 3:58 am by Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.  - 

image Our French friends Tolkiendrim today revealed a brand-new still of Gandalf and Bard conferring urgently within the ruins of Dale.

They also teased that they’ll be debuting a long set report (50 pages long, apparently?) on Monday with inside details and interviews from their staffer Benjamin’s time on set in 2013. We’ll be endeavouring to bring you translations of all inside goss.

In the meantime, visit Tolkiendrim to see a high-resolution version of the photo below. Just click the photo itself.


Posted in Hobbit Movie, Locations Sets, The Hobbit on October 31, 2014 by Demosthenes Source: Tolkiendrim

Read more http://goo.gl/OIo9jb

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