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STB | - John Howe Exhibition and signing event in Paris, France

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Quarta, 09 Abril 2008 18:00

John Howe Exhibition and signing event in Paris, France

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John Howe Fantasy Art Workshop is John Howe's first ever practical art book, presenting a wide selection of his work, practical demonstrations and a foreword by Terry Gilliam.

"Here's how I do it, and why": this is the premise behind John Howe's practical exploration of his artistic inspirations, approaches and techniques. Perfect for practical artists and fans of John Howe's work, this book provides step-by- step demonstrations, sketches and finished paintings, some of which were designed specifically for this book.

The book covers a wide range of subjects essential to any aspiring fantasy artist, including materials and the creative process, as well as drawing and painting humans, beasts, landscapes and architecture. Readers will also find further inspiration and guidance on presenting work in various forms including film work, book covers and advertising.

The French edition of the Fantasy Art Workshop is due out April 17th , so John Howe will be in Paris for a little show at the Galerie Arludik. The opening is at 18:30.

Here is a chance to see John Howe's work in a gallery and I have also been reading that some works will 'actually be up for sale' !! This is fantastic news and sure worth a visit to Paris, since it sounds like ages ago an original John Howe was available to the public.

GALERIE ARLUDIK12-14 rue Saint-Louis en l'Île,75004 PARIS

For more information:Diane LAUNIERTél/Fax : 01 43 26 19 22Portable : 06 60 10 48 Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.

The following day, April 18th, John Howe will be signing at the FNAC Montparnasse (Paris) at 5:30 p.m.

The exhibition in GALERIE ARLUDIK will remain from APRIL 16 - 17 MAY 2008. It features more than 3 dozens of drawings and skecthes especially made for this exhibition.

This book is worth every penny! It is a remarkable book in all respects. If you are a fan of John Howe's art or a Tolkien lover or just interested in art or in becoming an illustrator... this book is a true gem and a must read.

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