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STB | - Tolkien month in the library of Oss in The Netherlands

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Sábado, 06 Dezembro 2008 20:00

Tolkien month in the library of Oss in The Netherlands

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From 2 December 2008 Tuesday untill Saturday 3 January 2009, the library in Oss (the Netherlands, near Den Bosch) will host a Tolkien-exhibit together with Unquendor. Next to a comprehensive exhibition on Tolkien, there will be other activities such as a lecture, workshops and a reading day. All this will be in Dutch.

Dates and times:

-The opening was on December the 2nd at 2PM.-The exhibit is open during the library’s opening hours from December the 2nd untill January the 3rd in 2009. Entrance is Free.-The lecture will be held on Monday the 15th of December at 8 - 10 PM. Admittance fee is 5 euro.-The reading day takes place on December 17th at 2 - 5 PM.

Exhibition on Middle -earth

The Library of Oss has picked a themed exhibition on Tolkien and the works by Tolkien for the complete month of December. The member of the Tolkien Society Unquendor have build an exhibition that shows many different aspects of Tolkien: art, music, literature, filmmerchandise, collectables and multimedia. Over 20 members of Unquendor did there best to make information panels on the following subjects:

- J.R.R. Tolkien, Human and Author.- Tolkien's sources of inspiration - Arda and Middle-earth. The invented world by J.R.R. Tolkien.- Tolkien Society Unquendor. Emerggence of Tolkien movements around the world. - Movies, games, music, and other multimedia

In addition, there are a variety of items on display: special editions of Tolkien books, like a 1st edition of In the Ban van de Ring signed by J.R.R. Tolkien, maps of Middle-earth, Banners of the Tolkien Society Unquendor, collectables, games, calendars, etc. and one large decoration piece: the trees of Valinor: Laurelin & Telperion.

15 December - Tolkien Lecture

Monday evening, 15 December, from 20.00 to 22.00 there will be a lecture on Tolkien and his work. John Hazeveld will talk about Tolkien, his inspirational resources, his most important literary works and the fictive world Middle-earth.

Tickets for the leture cost 5 Euro, and are available in the library of Oss.

17 December - Reading Day

From 14.00 to 17.00 members of the Tolkien Society will be reading out of Tolkien's books. You will be able to have you name written in Elvish Tengwar and especially for the kids there will be read aloud the tale Roverandom.

Entry for the Reading Day is Free.

Tolkien Society Unquendor

Unquendor was founded by fans of the work of J.R.R. Tolkien and has existed since 1981. In origin it was a literary organisation, but now days also has a attention for other media like movies, music and even Tolkien games. Unquendor currently has over 230 members from the Netherlands and beyond. It publishes the well-known Tolkien magazines Lembas and Lembas Extra, has a website and a Tolkien board. Members do come together very often and organizes a variety of meetings such as Tolkien Reading Day.

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